At Superior Tutors we help children to develop their skills
in Numeracy by focusing on the five strands as identified
in the National Numeracy Strategy.
The five strands are:
Numbers and the number system
- Counting
- Properties of number and number sequences, including negative
- Place value and ordering, including reading and writing
- Estimating and rounding
- Fractions, decimals and percentages, and their equivalence;
ratio and proportion
- Understanding number operations and their relationships
- Rapid mental recall of number facts
- Mental calculations, including strategies for deriving
new facts from known facts
- Pencil and paper methods
- Using a calculator
- Checking that results of calculations are reasonable
Solving Problems
- Making decisions: deciding which operation and method
of calculation to use
- Reasoning about numbers or shapes and making general statements
about them
- Solving problems involving numbers in context: ‘real
life’, money, measures
- Measures, Shape and Space
- Measures, including choosing units and reading scales
- Properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes, position, direction
and movement
- Handling Data
- Collecting, presenting and interpreting numerical data etc.
Please contact us for more info.